Wednesday, February 17, 2010

once upon a time

i love books.
escaping in a good book can turn around an entire bad day.
i am waiting for my nook cover to arrive and fell in love with the quote on it, "when i step into this library, i cannot understand why i ever step out of it" and it is so very true. just like reading in bed at night and telling yourself, "this is the last chapter for tonight" and then realizing you said that two chapters ago as you look at the clock and count how many hours of sleep you can still get in if you stop reading and go to bed. but does that ever work? thinking back, i think i have only put the book down once or twice after counting up, or should i say down those hours. and then there is the commute. wishing your commute to work could be just a bit longer so you could find out what happens to those characters we build a relationship with. if you are a book lover and have not heard about goodreads then you must check it out. you can find my profile here. enjoy!

a world only a book can create.

plunge into books.

must find this and put on my nightstand

since i cannot cook very well, i do not own any cookbooks,
but i can appreciate her dedication here.
i know the feeling when they are all just too good to get rid so you are forced to make room.

i want this terribly bad,
although abby is 17'' and they only make these fantastic covers for the 13 and 15 inchers.

a stunning concept that was produced wonderfully.

for the love of type

such power in text.
i could easily have an entire blog
on typography- discussing the importance typography
has on every person as well the impact in the design world.

i am positive that typography will continue to make a statement and have impact on me - which will result in there being lots of type based photos posted here. keep a watchful eye out and look at text. notice the letters, the spacing between the letters, the amount of space between the lines, the beauty of different typefaces. see if your eyes are opened to discover a new world.

here are some fun pictures involving type that
i have accumulated over time.

love the simplicity of this serif tote bag

when telling people i am a graphic designer, most assume i am in the web world. all designers should have an appreciation for print graphics. i worked at a printing press for some time because i wanted to follow my work. i wanted to experience exactly what happens after i create it. along with that came many valuable lessons. not only did i learn tricks and have a much better understand of behind the scenes at a printing press but a love for print. for those of you who like to make things with your hands, get a little dirty and go for something new. you might just find a new love.

a fun way of breaking down hey jude by the beatles.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a lil' bit of life

some new things i love.
a bit of lifestyle mixed
with randomness.

love tea and these teabags are wonderful.
they add such a nice little twist on the day.
how could you not smile every time you went
to sip your delicious tea?

would you tell the queen not to
lounge in your tea? what about
the rest of the royale family?

as someone who wears converse everyday,
i relate with this picture.
yellow is really in this year, be prepared to see a lot of it.
makes me want to go out and buy some yellow converse
and frolic in a field somewhere.

love love love this parcel package.

simply beautiful.

really appreciate positive and negative space.
here it is done in a way that allows the hair piece to
be the focal point. classy.

had sushi for dinner tonight and was reminded
of this comic i had seen awhile back.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a day of love

happy valentine's day.

everything above is fabulous,
however this will be my valentine's day.

if you live in the san francisco area this is a must!
i have attended the pillow fight several times.
it really is a good time. at 5:59pm everyone raises their
pillows and the crowd begins to shout. it looks like something
out of braveheart just with white pillows. i have never been
experienced so many people laughing and smiling at one time.
if you are looking for a good time, i highly recommend it.

so whatever you are doing today or this weekend if you have
tomorrow off, enjoy it! I know I will.