Sunday, February 14, 2010

a day of love

happy valentine's day.

everything above is fabulous,
however this will be my valentine's day.

if you live in the san francisco area this is a must!
i have attended the pillow fight several times.
it really is a good time. at 5:59pm everyone raises their
pillows and the crowd begins to shout. it looks like something
out of braveheart just with white pillows. i have never been
experienced so many people laughing and smiling at one time.
if you are looking for a good time, i highly recommend it.

so whatever you are doing today or this weekend if you have
tomorrow off, enjoy it! I know I will.


  1. #1- Where do you find all the cool things you find? Like the Mac Book book covers, the hanger tea bags, and so on???
    #2- I love you too
    #3- Are those the pics you took of the pillow fight? They are awesome!!

  2. #1 - I am a seeker. And I spend all day on the computer.

    #2- hehe, don't make me blush

    #3- Thanks!
