Wednesday, February 17, 2010

once upon a time

i love books.
escaping in a good book can turn around an entire bad day.
i am waiting for my nook cover to arrive and fell in love with the quote on it, "when i step into this library, i cannot understand why i ever step out of it" and it is so very true. just like reading in bed at night and telling yourself, "this is the last chapter for tonight" and then realizing you said that two chapters ago as you look at the clock and count how many hours of sleep you can still get in if you stop reading and go to bed. but does that ever work? thinking back, i think i have only put the book down once or twice after counting up, or should i say down those hours. and then there is the commute. wishing your commute to work could be just a bit longer so you could find out what happens to those characters we build a relationship with. if you are a book lover and have not heard about goodreads then you must check it out. you can find my profile here. enjoy!

a world only a book can create.

plunge into books.

must find this and put on my nightstand

since i cannot cook very well, i do not own any cookbooks,
but i can appreciate her dedication here.
i know the feeling when they are all just too good to get rid so you are forced to make room.

i want this terribly bad,
although abby is 17'' and they only make these fantastic covers for the 13 and 15 inchers.

a stunning concept that was produced wonderfully.

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