Thursday, March 11, 2010

what a fantastic day

yesterday was just so fantastic. after being so frazzled the day before which was quickly solved by some much needed time spent with a great friend, i woke up the next day feeling, well giddy. it was a lovely sunny day and the wikia office was going to a screen printing workshop. it was wonderful, lots of laughs and paint.

(these photos i again stole from a coworkers - i really like his photography style)

after all the screen printing fun, nick and i attempted to sneak into the gdc (game developers conference)
we played with a new racing game that was in 3d. 

after that we headed off to rickhouse which is such a great bar where we meet some other fabulous people. it was a fabulous day and i was very humbled and felt incredibly blessed by the end.

this place is wonderful. the bartenders are very knowledgeable and eager to help you create something great. i would have to say that rickhouse definitely rivals my other favorite bar, the speakeasy, bourban and branch

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